Seven Brides Series
Seven Brothers Who Won The West -
And The Women Who Tamed Their Hearts.
This series tells the stories of the seven sons of William Henry and Aurelia Randolph. William Henry was an abusive, alcoholic womanizer who wasted the family fortune and put a serious blot on one of the most respected names in Virginia history. His friends and family got together and bought him a ranch in Texas just to get him out of Virginia. Aurelia was a beautiful woman who worshiped her husband but was too weak to protect her sons from his brutality. The series begins in Texas after the end of the Civil War when the older boys come home. They must fight to save their ranch, their only inheritance, from Indians, rustlers, and the officials of the Reconstruction.
The series is available as ebooks on Amazon and from Barnes & Noble

Seven Brides: Rose
George Randolph, the oldest brother and patriarch of the family, needs someone to wash, cook, and clean for the brothers on their Texas ranch. Rose Thornton accepts that job. She arrives at the homestead to find six men ranging in ages from six to twenty-four years old. The house looks like it hasn't been cleaned in years, the clothes practically stand up and beg to be washed, and everything in the kitchen is black with soot and grease. She soon discovers she's in the midst of a truly dysfunctional family. The brothers don't seem to like anybody, and that includes each other. They don't much like Rose, either. Once they learn her father was an officer in the Union Army, they vote to send her back to town.
George Randolph was an officer in the Confederate army. He feels responsible for his family, but wants to rejoin the army, the only time when his life was ordered and predictable. Rose sets out to convince George that he's not only a father figure to his brothers, he really wants a family of his own. With her. At the same time seeks ways to repair the fragile bonds that hold this family together.
"ROSE is a nongenre story with a uniqueness that truly sets it apart.
And the author is a dynamo of a storyteller whose major strength is his liberal
use of quick-witted dialogue."
Chelley Kitzmiller, Los Angeles Daily News
"Here come the brides. Kick up your heels and get set to enjoy
a big, boisterous romance. ROSE is the first delightful book in Leigh Greenwood's
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers series. It's fun, exuberant, entertaining
with a special charm and poignancy of its own."
Kathe Robin, Romantic Times
"ROSE is fun, exuberant, entertaining with a special charm and poignancy of its own. If ROSE is any example of the strength and power of this series then readers will have six more wonderful books to enjoy in the future."
Kathe Robin, Romantic Times
"This one zings with exciting, believable characters, plot development and sexual tension plus the promise of more books about the rugged, romantic Randolphs. Don't miss the beginning of a memorable series (that's) sure to catch your heart strings as it did mine.
Marguerite Jacko, RENDEZVOUS
"Each of these brothers deserves a story of his own, they've earned their own loves and lives... These are characters you lock within you to keep for a "down" day and take them out to cherish."
"Leigh Greenwood has created a powerful family saga that showcases an exciting dynasty in the making. Even though the readers will be totally caught up in the believable relationship that evolved between the hero and heroine, a piece of their hearts will go out to the remaining Randolph brothers.
Harriet Klausner, AFFAIRE DE COEUR 5
" Leigh Greenwood is a dynamo of a storyteller whose major strength is his liberal use of quick-witted dialogue."
Chelley Kitzmiller, LOS ANGELES DAILY NEW

Seven Brides: Fern
Fern Sproull, a young, swaggering opinionated ruffian, dressing and behaving like a cowboy, is determined Hen Randolph will hang for killing her cousin. She's equally determined that a fancy lawyer named Madison Randolph isn't going to get his brother off. Fern has spent the last eight years of her life outriding, out shooting, and out cussing every man in her path, and she's not about to let the man who murdered her cousin get off just because he's one of the Texas Randolphs. But how is she going to know what tricks Madison gets up to unless she follows him around?
Madison Randolph, the brother who abandoned his younger orphaned siblings to go to Harvard during the Civil War, has come to Abilene, Kansas to defend his brother against a murder charge. There's not much love lost between Madison and his family, but he's certain Hen isn't a murderer and he doesn't mean to let him hang. The fact that an obnoxious female who dresses like a man and acts even worse intends to stop him only encourages him to prove he's the very best at what he does. The suave, sophisticated Madison is appalled, first to discover that under all that dirt and bluster is a woman, and secondly, that he's intrigued by her. But Madison soon discovers the female isn't so obnoxious after all and that the ties of blood can never be broken.
"I loved ROSE, but this one is even better. Its masterful, in-depth
study of a man's burning ambition and bitter shame is so provocative and
true to life, I couldn't put it down and will remember it always. Leigh
Greenwood's books just keep getting better and better."
Marguerite Jacko, Rendezvous
"This is an outstanding story of the prodigal son, Madison, who
finally comes home, and the lady who can light the homefires and keep them
burning. Gentle persuasion, rough-housing vitriolic verbiage, and passionate
loving, stirred with the tender, loving pen of Leigh Greenwood present
the reader with an unforgettable high-caliber read!"
Julie Meisinger, Heartland Critiques
"Fern is absolutely wonderful, an unforgettable, powerful, and emotional
love story to stir your heart and soul. Leigh Greenwood's series was off
to a great start in ROSE and continues to shine in FERN, a story that leaps
off the pages."
Kathe Robin, Romantic Times

Seven Brides: Iris
Monty Randolph plans to take a herd to Wyoming. He means to start a ranch for the family and one for himself so he can get out from under the irritating and watchful eye of his older brother, George. He's determined that nothing will stop him from succeeding, especially his neighbor, Iris Richmond, who wants him to take her herd to Wyoming along with his. The last thing he needs is a southern belle, steeped in flirting and vanity, on the filthy, exhausting trek over a thousand miles of dangerous, unsettled country. Her kind is strictly for looking at, not for buying. Neither does he need double the cows and double the responsibility. He already as three brothers along to worry about.
Iris Richmond has nothing left of her father's fortune but a herd of cows. And if she doesn't get them to Wyoming, rustlers are going to take that. When Monty refuses to take her along, she puts her herd on the trail ahead of him and mixes the herds together. The continual danger of stampedes, rustlers, and Indian attacks drive the couple together, forming a relationship neither welcomes nor is able to deny. Beset by a thieving foreman and a long lost brother, Monty is the only person Iris can trust. And she means to trust him whether he likes it or not.
"IRIS is a strong multi-dimensional novel that not only examines
the growth of a meaningful relationship but does it with sensitivity towards
both the hero's and heroine's perspectives. The character depth and portrayal
in this work is nothing short of remarkable."
Harriet Klausner, Affaire de Coeur
"IRIS is another utterly delightful, heartwarming romance and another
special addition to readers' keeper shelves. IRIS is a dynamic combination
of a wild western trail ride and a charming Americana romance. Leigh Greenwood's
memorable characters work their way into your heart. I'm sure you will
come to love them as much as Rose, Fern, George and the rest of the unforgettable
Randolph clan. Here's to another winner!"
Kathe Robin, Romantic Times

Seven Brides: Laurel
Hen Randolph's reputation as a cold-hearted gunslinger without a need for friends, family or women, was the reason he was hired to be the sheriff of Sycamore Flats, a small Arizona town. They needed someone ruthless enough to protect them from the Blackthornes who have harassed the town and run off the previous sheriffs.. When he saves a young widow. Laural Blackthorne, from a beating, he finds he's made a enemy of the entire clan. When he refuses to let the Blackthornes take Laurel's son, they plan to kill him and warn the townspeople to stay out of the way.
Laurel Blackthorne has no need for gunslingers or guns. As far as she's concerned, Hen is no different from her late husband or his family. She wants little more than to prove she was legally married to Carlin Blackthorne and that her son is legitimate. She doesn't want the new sheriff to interfere. But when he does and carefully tends her wounds, she sees the tender man this gunslinger could be. But Hen is a loner who thinks he's empty inside unable to love and certainly not worthy of anyone else's love. She loves him but can't let herself hope for a future with him. As a sheriff, he would always be in danger, and she can't stand the idea of losing him.
When he says he intends to face the entire Blackthorne clan alone if the town refuses to stand behind him, she can't decide whether he's a saint or a fool and starts to leave town. She doesn't get very far before she decides having a man be a fool over her isn't half bad.
"WOW! What can I say but magnificent, superb, wonderful, and captivating.
The characters are so true to life, I feel they are personal friends of
Marguerite Jacko, Rendezvous
"This is a wonderful story about a cold, unfeeling town awakened
to its responsibility, and how they learn to accept people for what they
do, not what they or their parents did or didn't do. I really enjoyed this
story. This is a must-not-miss series. Great reading."
Karen Helmandollar, The Time Machine
"The fourth book in The Seven Brides series, LAUREL is truly enjoyable with lively characters and unexpected visitors. The story is fact-paced, entertaining, and highly recommended." Kathy Andrico, The Paperback Forum

Seven Brides: Daisy
While Tyler Randolph is prospecting for gold in New Mexico to get the money to build the hotel of his dreams he finds a woman wounded and left to die in a blizzard. He can't take her into Albuquerque because he doesn't know who's trying to kill her, so he takes her to his cabin. When the killers come after her, he makes it his job to protect her. Tyler is a loner not used to have a woman around. He's very self-conscious about his tall, lanky body and the fact that he isn't handsome like his brothers.
Daisy Singleton has no idea who killed her father and tried to kill her, or why. Awakening with a head wound in a strange man's cabin, she doesn't know whether to be afraid or angry. Being stranded in a mountain cabin with a silent, kind, bossy, bear of a man is frustrating. She just wants to go to Albuquerque and stay with her friends, but Tyler won't let her leave because he still doesn't know who's trying to kill her. When Daisy tells Tyler she's engaged to be married, he hustles her down the mountain.
Although Daisy stays with Hen and Laurel and Tyler returns to this mine, their story isn't finished. There remains a killer to unmask, Daisy's independence to establish, and the need to learn the truth about their feelings toward each other.
"Once again Leigh Greenwood adds a stunning new chapter to the Randolph family epic with the colorful and action-packed DAISY. Tyler is one of the most adorable yet naive heros to grace the pages of a romance novel, making him a man that every woman will want for her own." Harriet Klausner, Affaire de Coeur
"Leigh Greenwood has created characters in the Seven Brides series
who are as close to you as your own family. Daisy is a tender, touching
love story. The characters reach out and touch you. This tale of two misfits
who find love is sure to warm your heart. Fans of the series, as well as
new readers, will find this a "not-to-be-missed keeper."
Jill Brager, Romantic Times

Seven Brides: Violet
Jefferson Randolph is angry at the world for the arm he lost in the War Between the States and the destruction of his family. Embittered and reclusive, he's certain he'll never be happy until he marries a true Southern belle and rebuilds his family home. The last person he expects to stand in his way is a fiery redhead from Massachusetts who is the housemother for his two mischievous nieces, the stereotype of everything he detests in a woman. She's a Yankee who refuses to defer automatically to men, she has opinions she holds to firmly and states loudly, she wears strong bright colors, and she is determined to be independent. He's furious that, even after the quarantine is over, he can't stop thinking about her.
Violet Goodwin has come west to discover what happened to her uncle and why the mine he left her is worthless. To support herself, she's taken a job as housemother in an exclusive girl's school. After Jeff Randolph is quarantined in the school with her and her sixteen young charges for five days, she wonders how she can be attracted to a man she dislikes so much. He appears to be self-pitying, angry, and emotionally distant. She can't understand why she could fantasize about him though she can't deny the man's physique is impressive. She hardly notices his missing arm, but she is stingingly aware of his ridiculous ideas about women. She's determined to prove that you don't have to be a young, mindless, southern belle to make a good wife.
"Leigh Greenwood is one of the marvels of the modern world. Very few authors can write a seven book saga in which each tale is better than the pervious one, but every one is ultra-excellent. VIOLET is the most heartwarming and emotionally enriching as the audience witnesses the hero's struggles." Harriet Klausner, Affaire de Coeur
"All of the elements are here a strong, patient heroine, a troubled,
stubborn hero, and an endearing love story. Beneath Jeff's prickly exterior
is a man waiting for the right woman to come along. The refreshingly original
plot held my interest throughout.
VIOLET simmers with sensuality, and sparkles with witty dialogue. The story
moves smoothly from one crisis to the next; yet the romance is always in the
forefront. Without tricks or gimmicks, Leigh Greenwood created a fascinating
picture of Denver and peopled it with believable characters." Arnette
Lamb, bestselling author

Seven Brides: Lily
All it takes is one DARING man
Zac Randolph is a gambling man. One of seven infamous brothers, he'd kicked the Texas dust off his boots and found his new home in the Little Corner of Heaven Saloon in San Francisco's notorious Barbary Coast. Running a saloon is exactly the kind of work he's best suited for, and he's happiest keeping the rough men who frequent his halls in line.
Until a figure from his past comes calling and his whole world is flipped upside-down.
Zac has no interest in helping a woman like Lily Sterling navigate the streets of San Francisco-despite what he once promised her. But no matter how he tries, Zac can't shake the determined do-gooder. When the chips are down, this daring gambler is left with no choice but to trust his instincts and go all-in to save the day, the girl.and maybe even himself.
"LILY? Sensitive, stylish, irresistible. Leigh Greenwood at his
considerable best."
Stella Cameron, bestselling author
"LILY is the crown jewel in a collection of gems penned by Leigh
Greenwood. His powerful "Seven Brides" saga will be read and
enjoyed for generations."
Deborah Camp, bestselling author
"If ever there was a happy-ending book, this is it. LILY has romance,
intrigue, and especially humor with some very lovable characters. Its plot
is simply wonderful. This book will capture readers' hearts, making them
believe love is possible for everyone.
Pamela James, Rawhide & Lace